This project, known as the "Un-Spending" campaign, was an exploration of branding through a unique lens. Living in New York, I became hyper-aware of my daily expenditures, which sparked the concept. The challenge was to visually communicate these expenses in a way that was not only informative but also highly engaging. Through a combination of typography, color theory, and visual storytelling, we aimed to create a compelling narrative that resonated with the audience.

The design incorporated a range of mediums, from print design to digital design, ensuring a consistent visual hierarchy across all platforms. The outdoor ads became an essential part of the advertising strategy, serving as tangible reminders of the campaign’s message. As part of the creative direction, we focused on interactive design elements for the online experience, allowing users to engage directly with the content through intuitive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.

Throughout the process, the emphasis was on concept development, ensuring that each design choice aligned with the overall narrative and objective. From motion graphics to layout design, every detail was carefully considered to evoke a reaction and keep the audience engaged. Ultimately, this project underscored the power of visual communication in sparking personal reflection and behavioral change, across both digital and print platforms.


  • Concept

  • Art Direction

  • Graphic Design

  • Retouching

  • Copywriting


freelance Senior Art Dirctor