This is a 27 page PowerPoint I designed for GE Vernova. This was part of a massive rebranding project. I made 28 PowerPoint presentations ranging in length from 27 to 86 pages.
I have had the privilege of designing hundreds of creative design solutions for GE Vernova, including impactful presentations, brochures, banners, and trade show graphics. My approach focuses on blending visual communication with effective brand strategy, ensuring every piece aligns with the client's brand identity. Whether it's creating marketing collateral for print or digital use, or crafting visually engaging corporate design materials, my work consistently elevates GE Vernova’s presence in both internal and public-facing communications.
By combining expertise in graphic design with a deep understanding of the client's goals, I deliver designs that not only look great but also communicate messages clearly and effectively. From print design to dynamic trade show creative, my designs are built to make an impact and reinforce the brand’s values at every touchpoint.